Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day


     I think you are a wonderful home school teacher!  You help us when we need help and you make sure we understand why we were confused, or got it wrong.  You take perfect time in the morning to work with everyone. This week you start with Max at 8:00, then work with Kiki, then Mason, Marney and Gabe, then me.You also have a nice working schedule.  Sure, kids will need help understanding a problem in the middle of you working with everyone else, but you still go and help them with whatever they need. Your an awesome teacher, Mom.
      I think I'm great student when it comes to alone work.  I can do almost all my work by myself.  Every once and a while I get something wrong on math and ask for help, and I ask how to spell some words.  Other than that stuff I need to check my work with you and stuff like that.  I could say that I don't complain at all and I never get frustrated at people when they tell me I did or said something wrong.  But this week is kinda hard not to get frustrated with the little boys yelling in the living room, where I'm working.  I think everyone is a little annoyed with all the yelling.  I get most of my work correct though.  On grammar and math, I get some stuff wrong, but that's okay, your there to help.
     I think that the way we do school is great. I think that everyone is happy with the amount of work they have. I want to have more questions for geography, because I love it so much. I know that six questions is a lot, but I'd like to try  for eight instead. I think that blog of the day is going very well. I think that Dad should have one day where we have to edit sentences.  He should tell us the rules, then write a messed up, little paragraph for us to edit. It would also be fun if we got grades on our work. Like real grades though, A+, A-, B, C, D, F. That kind of stuff would be really cool. I just want to know how good I'm doing on my work.

Ava! :)


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