Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

     My favorite exhibit at the Mayborn Museum was the one about Egypt.  There was a mummy of a girl named Annie.  There was also a thing where you make pots out of magnets.  They also had a thing where you pulled blocks to see which one was heavier.
     The Egypt exhibit is important because it taught me about mummies.  There is stuff from a long time ago, like pots.  People can learn that the pots are very, very old.  They found the pots in Egypt.
     I thought it was awesome because it taught me about mummies and very, very old pots.  I learned that the people who found the mummy made a statue of the mummy's face.  They scanned the mummy with a x-ray to see what it looked like.  It was fun to go to the Egyptian exhibit.


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