Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

     One day there was me, I am a giant who lives in outer space. I was walking around on my planet, jumping really high up then coming down. Then I jumped off my planet and plummeted down to earth at the speed of light. When I got to earth there were these brick things with glass plates in them. Then I saw this brown thing running at me with four legs but I just grabbed it and ate it. Then I walked over to a big blue spot that was wet.
     So I stepped into the wet thing and it was really cold.  I started swimming and it was really fun then  I started splashing, it was fun.  Then I swam deeper and deeper, I went really deep. Then two men saw me and I sunk their boat. So then they started to swim away.
     Then I got my hair wet and I freaked out so I got out of the water.  Then I started climbing a big pole in San Antonio. So I was half way through climbing and I felt a bunch of ant bites and people were shooting me with darts. So I got the darts out of me and threw them at the people.  It killed them, so the ones that did not die ran away.

     So then I got to the top. It was cool and I danced. Then I shook the building and everyone fell out of it. Then I tried to throw a rope up to my planet but it would not reach. So then I jumped up to my planet and went to sleep.    


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