Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

     My favorite exhibit was the weather room.  There were lots of things in it.  There was a green screen, a miniature tornado, a little globe, a camera, three TVs and a little desk.  The camera was pointed at the green screen and attached to three TVs.  There was a small TV behind the camera, so that the people in front of the green screen could see what they were doing.  Then there were two more next to the green screen so that other people could watch what they were doing.  The little desk was so you could pretend to be a news reporter.  The camera couldn't point to the desk, but it was still fun.  The tornado was really cool, it was basically a ton of  hot air blowing and then at the bottom it would be blowing cold and spinning around.
     The main reason the weather room was there, was so that they can show you how news reporters, tornadoes and storms work.  The green screen showed high winds and storms in parts of the U.S.  It was also showing you how the equipment works and how to use some of it.  The camera was in a glass case, so you couldn't do much with.  You could turn the handle and make it go left and right.  The tornado machine was showing everyone how tornadoes are made.  Hot air and cold air are against each other, making high winds.  The desk didn't really do anything, it's just for playing around with.  The globe wasn't an every day globe.  It had this blue and white goo in it.  You had to spin it around.  I can't remember what it was for, but I think it had something to do with winds and water.
     My favorite thing in the exhibit was the green screen because I could predict the weather and show what was going to happen.  Dad and I messed around with the green screen, while Marney and Kiki were working with the small camera.  My second favorite was the globe because it was interesting watching the goo and stuff spin around in the globe.  I loved seeing it all go together and the stop when you finished spinning.  The weather exhibit was my favorite one in the whole museum, because it was kind of technical and fun.


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