Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

     Roller Coaster Mix-Up
By Kiki
     One rainy morning at a house in Colorado two boys and their dad were getting ready to go to Pig Park.  One of the boys was named Turtle and he was eight years old.  The other kid is named Watermelon and he is two.  Then it was sunny so they want to Pig Park.
     They got to the park and parked in the parking lot.  They went into Pig Park.  They bought their tickets.  Turtle and Watermelon were happy because they were at the park.
     They went on a ride called The Rabbit.  It was fun and very, very fast.  They went to go see a show called Let's Party!  They went on a ride called Merry Go Round.  They went super, super fast.
     Turtle and Watermelon wanted to go on a roller coaster.  They went on one called Paintball Fight.  It was very, very, very fun.  When they got off of the roller coaster they looked funny.  Watermelon had a mustache and messed up hair and his clothes were all different.  Watermelon got glued to Turtle on the ride.  Now they are glued to each other and they can't do anything.
     They went home and went to bed.  They woke up the next day and looked exactly the same as when they got off the roller coaster.  They were happy that they looked funny.


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