Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mommio: Wordcount Wednesday

The kids were excited to start their novels yesterday and the words are already adding up quickly after just two days.  I'm thinking that Max and Jack need higher goals!  Here is the current wordcount:

Connor-  731 (goal 11,500)
Mason- 773 (goal 5, 500)
Avery- 984 (goal 11,000)
Gabe- 457 (goal 5, 500)
Marney- 338 (goal 5, 500)
Kiki- 531 (goal 1, 500)
Max- 261 (goal 500)
Jack- 93 (goal 100)
Daddio- 0 (goal 50,000- he says not to worry, he'll make it)


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