Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day: An Shi Rebellion

    The An Shi rebellion happened in China during the Tang Dynasty.  It was caused by An Lushan and had brought about the beginning of the Yan dynasty.  An Lushan's son had continued the rebellion years after An Lushan had passed away.  When the young general had passed away it became Shi Siming's fight and thus his duty to finish the rebellion.
    The war began with An Lushan returning with the army from Fanyang, an area located near modern Beijing.  Along this travel the rebel leader would greet Tang officials with respect winning them over to his side.  He traveled to the grand canal and captured the city of Luoyang.  This was an easy feat for General Feng Changqing was not properly prepared.
    The next battle was terrible.  The army lead by, Linghu Chao, had not been able to gain more land.  These events had been enough to delay the Yan dynasty conquest of China.  It took the army two full years to defeat the Tang army.  However it would not stop there, the army would not and could not cease the attempts until they had succeeded at taking down the Tang empire.
   In 756 the army had captured the city of Chang'an.  The city is now called Xi'an.  At this point in time the Tang Dynasty had a new ruler.  The emperor was dead and his son, Suzong, was the next emperor.  Suzong's army regained the city and it took about one more year for the rebels to reclaim it.  Up until October 757 the Yan army attacked Suiyang and conquered it.
    An Quinxo killed his father and was soon murdered by Shi.  Shi was then murdered by his son.  Shi's son became emperor, but couldn't get the other Yan generals to agree with him.  Soon Yan soldiers were going to the Tang side of the battle.  The Yan emperor had to flee for months, but eventually he was slain by the Tang army.


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