Unit Studies
1. flowers
2. reptiles
3. robots
4. leaves
5. seasons
6. birds
7. frogs
8. lights
9. insects
10. glass
11. bushes
Kids Names
1. Alice
2. Lilly
3. Sally
4. Marti
5. Abbie
6. Louis
7. Mairnie
8. Allen
9. Kiki Jr.
10. Miley
11. Tiger
Why I Love Mom
1. mom is so awesome
2. she teaches us school
3. she teaches us art class
4. she helps me cook
5. she cooks us dinner
6. she helped me write my NaNoWriMo
7. she sometimes plays with me
8. she is cool
9. she lets me paint
10. she lets me do what I want a lot
11. she's nice to us
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