Thursday, November 17, 2011

Avery: Civil War Journal

Today my great husband, Fitzhugh Johnston Pettigrew, left to enlist himself in the Confederate Army. I am very frightened but happy for him. At the age of 53, it's going to be harder for him to do everything that everyone else is doing.  But he's not worried one bit. He is a true gentlemen, who behaves himself and deserves to be a Confederate soldier. He wants to fight for the rights to own slaves. Right now we own 71 of them. They sometimes complain, but I punish them for that. I feel as if they should treat me like their own mother. Like I am the ruler of them, which I am. God has nothing against us having some slaves. Not only do I watch after the slaves, but I watch after Mr. Pettigrew's father, Granville Pettigrew. He is easy to take care of, being at the age of 72. But I can't do everything there is to do at the house. I sometimes leave Mr. Granville Pettigrew to watch himself for a few hours so that I can go work at the plantation. I enjoy being around the beautiful plants and nature. I also get to be around others around my age. You know, people in their 40's. I hope my husband does well out there.

-Sally Randolph
May 22, 1861


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