Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

By Avery Jone$
        One day a man named Albert was walking outside with his seven year old son, Ernie. Albert was tall and thin, with a big head. He was really smart so people said his giant head was stuffed full of brains from different countries. Ernie was a super skinny and had a small head. Although, Ernie was the smartest of all the big headed people in his small family of four. He knew even more facts about Canada than anyone he ever knew in his life.
       Ernie and his father were walking to a museum of art. Most of the paintings there were done by Edgar Degas, Albert and Ernie's favorite artist in the world. They saw the museum of art and started to run as fast as the could. They were both slow runners, so it took them a little while to finally get to the door. By the time the father and son were inside, they were going crazy over all the art. There were fifteen rooms in the whole art wonderland.
       Ernie didn't even think about the gift shop one little bit. He just kept walking on and on like a kid in a candy store. Albert was just as amused as little Ernie was. Albert kept on stopping everyone that walked past him to tell them the history behind the masterpiece. He showed every little kid how cool the paintings were and how they deserve to be in that specific museum and not any other.
       They were about halfway through the museum of magical wonders and dreams. They were looking at all the statues and historical items that people have dug up. Ernie was confused with the set-up in the sculpture area. Nothing was organized or situated like it should have been. He tried to explain it to his lovely father, but he wouldn't listen. His father was ignoring him and paying attention to the awesomeness.
       "Dad! It's right there in front of you! This room is hideous and terrifying. I don't even think we should be in here! Is this an exhibit?", Ernie screamed.
       "Nope. This isn't.", Albert pulled out a knife and stabbed it through the stomach of Ernie.
       "And that's for telling Justin Bieber that you are way smarter than me when we went to that concert."


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