Thursday, November 17, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Walter Wigfall
  I am a union soldier.  I am currently 17 and I believe that I'm fighting for a good cause.  My entire family despises slavery and feels strongly about it.  I personally hate slavery with every fiber of my being.  The Confederates are just looking for a way to keep siting on their butts doing nothing.  I will not stop fighting until all people in this country are free!  My name is Walter Wigfall.  I have gotten what I wanted for years, now what I want is an end to slavery.  I feel this war will provide more excitement than my everyday activities in Providence, Rhode Island.

Alfred A. Scales
 I am Alfred A. Scales.  My age is 48 and I am a captain in the Union.  My children and wife and I have never had much contact with the slaves.  The only time we've been around slaves is when we were visiting the neighbors.  I don't care about slavery one way or the other, either way the war will end.  I think the Union is lucky to have me with them.  After all I am so much better than the other soldiers, thus any army would want me.  I miss my family all the way out here fighting the Johny Rebs.  I wonder how things are going for my wife and children.

Billy Scales
Alfred A. Scales' Son 
I am sixteen and my dad has gone to the war.  I am worried about him and wonder if he will ever return.  I just want daddy to return in one piece so I know he's alright.  I wander around Philadelphia on occasions, although I primarily stay at home and spend time preparing for college.  Mom says he is fighting to bring the south back to the Union.  I don't think that's the only reason though, dad is more complex than that.

Michael Wigfall
Walter Wigfall's Uncle
I am Michael Wigfall and my nephew is out there fighting for freedom.  We gave him all we had and he seems very happy.  I even gave him a sword I made on the forge the week before he left.  Walter has probably had little use for it, but he has it just in case.  We gave him all he ever wanted and it doesn't bother us much.  After all, he is family and family has to stick together.  I am proud of him for his valiant efforts, but I am worried about his safety out on the battlefront.


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