Thursday, November 10, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

Animals Escape
By Marney
Dear Grandma,
I went to a zoo two days ago and there was something that sounded weird, it sounded like a panda but I did not think it was one so I did not listen.  So anyways we were parking and John, my brother, you remember him the one that yells when he is happy, well he was happy today.  So when we got out of the car I saw a truck pass us and he was yelling at people because they were mad and being mean.  And when he passed us he just did not talk because Dad was a police that day and he was a police.  I was like so happy because we were there.
    So then we went in to the zoo because we were hungry so we went to eat and play on the park.  Then someone saw a panda on the slide.  so we all ran off the play ground.  And dad gated it off so the panda could not get out and kids could not get in. But the kids did not.
Love Kacy
PS I will be there in a few days.

I finally escaped and I saw this girl, she was about to go down the slide but before she did someone saw me.  He told people something but I could not understand him because I am panda I can't understand people.  So the guy got a metal thing and put it around me so I could not touch people but I almost escaped. Then I saw a giraffe, it was tall and it looked at me.  It stepped in to the cage like thing and then she stepped on the gate and I got out.  So then I ran and followed the giraffe and I saw a bear. It was on the side of me and I got scared so I ran faster but I thought it ate me and  I would not think or talk. I just would jiggle around in a bears stomach.
     But before I could get killed I jumped on to the giraffes back and it did not care about me at all.  So I got in to my cage right before I passed it and I was safe.  But the kids were not because there was a killer bear on the road.  So I had to kill it myself.  But I was to scared. So I stayed in my cage.  I love how I am safe.
     Then I went out of my cage and tried to kill the bear.  But I did not have a way to kill it so I went to the police they did not understand me so they put me in a cage and brought me back to my cage.  So I leaped out of my cage again and jumped on a little kid.  I wanted to say I was sorry but people can not understand me. So I ran off and got the bear down to the ground and I killed the bear. 
     But I was not safe, I had to go and get a knife so I could dig down and get back in to my cage by myself.  So I was safe but I did not know where my cage was underground.  So I had to sneak a girl costume and I stole a map because I had to walk there and not dig there.  I passed the bears cage and his mom looked at me in a angry way.  But I did not care, I just kept on walking.
      I was back at my cage so I went in it and took off the costume.  I was at my cage now and I am happy but I saw how I got out.  Some one left the gate opened and I walked out of it.  That was a cool way to walk out because people do not leave the gate open.  So I just went to bed and forgot about it.  Then I went back to the slide.



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