Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gabe: Blog of the Day

     One day there was a tiger, me and a bear.  We wanted to take over the world so only tigers, bears and pandas will roam.  So that day I wanted to do that so we went hunting for a place to live and stay until we rule the world . Then we went to a bamboo forest and we thought we were the wrong type of places for them to live in because it has bamboo.  We just found the perfect place to live, it is a nice big wet green playground. Our new home is awesome.
     Then I wanted a few, maybe five new weapons, so we can control the world. The first weapon we looked at was a normal knife but I thought it was too bloody.  The next one was a shot gun and it had two big bullets but it was to fast.  Then we found a water gun.  It was not bloody and not fast, it was awesome.  We all had really, really big water guns.
     Then we wanted food so when we were in battle we would have a lot of food when fighting. So we got our really really awesome water gun to go hunt for really really cool food.   We got a deer for tiger because he loves them.  Then we got a bucket of fish for bear.  Then we  got a bunch of bamboo for me.
     Then they planned their fight by playing D and D so they could have a good strategy.  They planned to get the really cool water guns out before they headed out.  Then they would just all of a sudden start shooting people.  Then they would celebrate. So then they were ready for the awesome fight.
     So then they where ready, so all of a sudden they jumped out. They all started shooting everywhere on the playground but there was nobody there.  So they went to a tree and shot everything and no one was there. so they went in the forest and shot ever thing and ruled the world.  And they celebrated.


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