Monday, November 14, 2011

Mommio: Civil War Unit Study

This week we start a new, interactive unit study of the Civil War.  We'll be using the Civil War Simulation from Interact along with lots of books, magazines and some fun civil war props that Grandma and Grandpa gave us.  We will also be watching Ken Burns' Civil War series on Netflix. 

In this study the kids will be split into two groups, Union and Confederate, and they will each be assigned 3 soldiers to portray as well as 3 people on the homefront, related to their soldiers.  Throughout the study they will be asked to write journal entries as their character or letters between their soldier and homefront character.  They will learn more about the Civil War through games, teamwork and reading interviews with real soldiers.  Should be fun- we are all excited to be starting a new history unit.  Tomorrow they enlist!


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