Thursday, November 10, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

By Avery Jone$
         I was sitting in my bamboo forest, when suddenly, my friend Nancy the Narwhal came in.  She was sitting in a giant tank that would move where ever she wanted.  It was like an under water wheelchair.  Nothing was wrong with Nancy, she just couldn't be on land without water covering her at all times.  I was planning on going to the playground on Bamboo Road with Nancy and my other friend Pepper.  Pepper was a Tiger.  Pepper the Tiger was very sweet and kind.  She was a rare tiger though.  Instead of orange and black stripes, she had blood red and grey stripes.
          We waited 30 minutes for Pepper, but she never showed up.  We left to the playground without her.  I called her a few times but she didn't answer any of her 15 phones.  I called each phone five times, and still no one answered.  I told Nancy the narwhal and she decided to call all of Pepper's phones.  Pepper still didn't answer.  This made me worried that something was wrong.  That Pepper could be hurt, or worse!  We started to play on the slide to get everything out of my mind.
           I played on the swings, slide, in the sandbox, on the monkey bars, and ran around the park.  It was the most fun I have ever had at that exact park.  I never went to any other park because the one on Bamboo Road never got boring or old.  It was just a spoonful of fun.  Suddenly Pepper appeared at the park.  I didn't see her car or anything, so I was wondering how she got there.
           She said she was camping over night at a national park in the Bamboo Forest.  She said she wasn't aloud to use any electronics including any phones.  They were so strict that Pepper left early.  The camp was supposed to go on for a whole week.  Pepper only stayed for one night.  It was that bad!  Pepper set down her stuff and played on the playground with Nancy and I.
           We had the best time ever!  We did everything Nancy and I did, but it was much better because Pepper was there to have fun with us.  Pepper brought bread, so we got to feed some of the ducks down by the little pond.  I had lots of fun with my best friends.  And to remember this awesome moment, I took thousands of pictures.


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