Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mommio: Earn Civil War Points!

Attention loyal Freedomators and Shwartsburgers!  Want to earn some points for your regiment and get ahead in the war?  You can get 10 extra points today! Here's how:
Write a letter from one of your homefront characters to one of your soldiers in the field.  Write it on Thanksgiving Day, 1861.  Tell the soldier all about what you are doing to celebrate at home and how much you miss them.  Remember to describe your Thanksgiving day based on what you learned in your Blog Of The Day and also include questions for the soldier.  To earn the points you must post your letter on the blog by Sunday November 27th at 5:00 pm.  Get it done early, earn some points and remind your other team members to write letters too!



Love it...the letters are so fun to read...great going Mommio.

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