Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Salisbury Steak Pizza!

In order to prepare Salisbury steak pizza you require a few ingredients.
The first and most important ingredient is dough.  You're going to want a large amount of dough if cooking for a large group especially if they will eat seconds.
Our second ingredients are potatoes or pre-made mashed potatoes.
You will also want to have Salisbury steak seeing as it can't be Salisbury steak pizza if it doesn't have the steak.
Of course you would have cheese and gravy on the pizza.
Pizza sauce is required for all pizzas so be sure to have some with you.
Dough can be made from eggs and milk or bought pre-made like the mashed potatoes.

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
First roll out the dough after having made it or unpacked it.
Next spread the sauce on the dough and cover it in cheese.
Next add steak and potatoes and, if you so choose, gravy.
Add a layer of cheese atop the steak and potatoes.
Next place the pizza in the oven for about nine minutes.
Take it out and let it cool for five to six seconds.
Finally, if you haven't already, add gravy.
Next step is to eat and enjoy.


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