Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Impressionists- Degas

Today we continued our Degas lesson by studying his sculptures and then creating our own.  We talked about how Degas used sculpture work in private to figure out how to make the human body look more real in motion.  His sculptures (with the exception of Little Fourteen Year Old Dance, which we will learn about later) were never intended for public display.  We checked out an article and slideshow about Degas sculptures from  The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
 First Arabesque Penchée, cast in 1920 from a wax sculpture modeled probably before ca. 1890
Edgar Degas (French, 1834–1917), Bronze
The kids tried their hand at making human motion sculptures based on their athlete drawings from last week, using playdough and referring back to our favorite model- Tom the mannequin.  Here they are working...

They all did really well- here are the original chalk drawings next to their sculptures.

Later in the week when the dough dries they will be painting their sculptures. 


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