Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Impressionists- Degas

Today in art class we continued our Degas inspired study by painting the athlete sculptures the kids made earlier in the week.  We decided to use our gouache paints for this project because of all the great colors to choose from and that they can be used as opaque colors.  I gave the kids their original chalk drawings, their dried sculptures and paint supplies then let them have fun with it.  Here they are painting, Max and Jack were so interested in what the other kids were doing that they joined in today too.

 Here are their painted athletes next to the chalk drawings.

 And these are Max and Jack's sculptures- Max made a bear and Jack made Avery.

 After the paint dried some of the kids chose to add details using marker and gluing on additional pieces.

 Next week in art we will focus more on Degas' ballerina art and how he used photographs as inspiration- and then we will be using some beautiful dance photographs taken by a homeschool dad that we know as our own inspiration to paint some pictures.



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