Friday, November 4, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

     Last night we were all impressed that they actually speak during operas rather than just sing.  The singing was wonderful, in my opinion, and the costumes were interesting.  I found it easy to enjoy the opera because it's just a play with music!  I enjoyed the opera a lot.  I didn't enjoy the dancing much, but the singing and acting was great.  The Magic Flute was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart more commonly referred to as Mozart.  Mozart was a classical composer and apparently wrote operas.
  We didn't know he wrote operas until last night.  I thought the two acts were a bit too short.  The music, by far, was my favorite part of the opera.  We were able to look at the orchestra before the opera and see the different musicians and the instruments they play.  During intermission they used the intercom to tell the audience to be quiet.  That would be fine, except for the fact that a lot of people had brought young children and you can't always expect children to be quiet.  Gabe, Marney, and Kennedy were all very well behaved.  As for Avery, Mason, Daddio, Mommio and myself I don't think I have to convince you that we were well behaved.  I loved the opera and can't wait to see another one!


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