Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daddio: 11/29/11 Blog of the Day

You guys have been doing great this month with your unit study on the American Civil War.  But it's important to realize that, even though our country's civil war was extremely important to our history, it's not the only civil war that's occurred. There have been hundreds of civil wars throughout history, and for today's blog of the day post, I want you to research and write a report about a different civil war.

The picture above is of actual Japanese samurai during the Boshin Civil War, which took place in Japan in 1868. "Civil war" is defined as "[A] war between political factions or regions within the same country."  This definition would even include the American Revolutionary War as a civil war.  For your post today, I want you to visit this list of civil wars on Wikipedia; pick a civil war to research; then write a four paragraph report explaining why the civil war happened, who was involved and what the outcome was.  You can't pick the Revolutionary War, the American Civil War or the Boshin Civil War.


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