Thursday, November 10, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Great Panda Escape
By: Connor M. Jones
  I was in the zoo as I always was.  I hated being in the zoo with all those humans looking at me.  I would occasionally look up to see a dog with gray fur and darker gray spots.  His name was Franki, I could read it on the dog license.  He yipped at me more than I would have liked.  I payed no attention to him and went along with my daily routine of eating, sleeping, and impressing the humans.
       That's when I noticed something odd.  There was a cat next to him, but he wasn't chasing it.  The cat's name, well I didn't know.  I went over to them and asked what they wanted.  Franki said "I want to know if you'd like to get out of here.  After all these humans are staring at you all day long.  I just want to know if you ever get sick of it."  I thought for a moment about telling him how I really felt about these humans watching me.  However I couldn't break the charade after all the cameras were trained on my cage.
       The cat spoke next "What's your name, Great bear?  My name is Chess.  It is short for Cheshire.  My owners love Alice in Wonderland."  I looked at Chess and thought about telling him my name.  Only a whisper would get passed these humans without sounding furious.  I was in a state of conflict and stood there wondering should I say or should I not.
        I finally came to a conclusion.  I would tell them before they started to leave.  I said "My name is Harry, or is it Hairy, and I do in fact want out of this zoo!  Franki, Chess, I want to know what you have planned for the breakout and if I should tell the others."
       They told me in perfect unison that I should not tell the others and wait for midnight.  They said they'd return at exactly midnight, give or take a few hours.  I spent the rest of the day acting for the humans.  They behaved as though they'd never seen a panda perform Shakespeare.  Eventually the gates had closed and I wondered how my new friends planned to bust me out.
        Franki and Chess arrived just in time.  Although Franki had brought his girlfriend along for whatever reason.  They all turned to me and in unison said "Harry are you ready to leave the zoo and humans behind?"  I told them I was and they opened the door to my cage.  With my cage open we ran for the exit.
       Once outside we looked for a ship to China or somewhere away from this zoo.  We found a ship destined for an island and a girl panda who was going there too.  We all got on the ship and had the best trip to a deserted island ever.  We never left and we came up with laws and elected a president.  Franki and I had tied at first, but with the tie breaking vote I voted for Franki.  We had much fun and never broke our laws.  The most important law was to not interact with humans.  Now we are away from the accursed zoo and all the humans that pointed and laughed at me.


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