Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommio: World Geography Unit Study

We are on week two of our new unit study and it is going really well.  The kids have declared it "the best unit ever" and that geography is now their "favorite subject".  They say this every time we start a new unit, but I love it and the enthusiasm is great!  Here they are today mapping out the Ring Of Fire-
 And here is the finished paper mache globe of Pangea (and the massive ocean, Panthalassa) that we made together over the last two weeks.  They are pretty proud of it.
 This is our "wall of answers" that we started with this unit.  The kids have been divided into teams and are given cards with questions each day.  They search the many atlases, the internet, dictionary, etc. and find the answers then share them with the group.
 We have also been reading another book I found written by the adventurer Richard Halliburton-
It is basically written as a geography adventure for kids in which the author takes us to a new amazing place in each chapter. It was written in the 1930's so it has been interesting for the kids to research how things have changed since it was written.  In one chapter we "visited" the San Francisco Bay Bridge, which was the longest bridge in the world at the time. 
 The author told us that the engineers said it would most likely be the longest bridge for the "next thousand years".  So the kids and I found this list of bridges and discovered that now (80 years later) their are actually 149 longer bridges in the world.  It is a great book and the kids are all itching to go travel and see the places he describes.
And, some of  the ways I know this unit is really going well... Avery has posted about it here and here on her own personal blog.  And Marney has been reading the atlas in her free time in the evening.



I love this is the best unit ever. But I guess we say that about all the units we are doing. To bad school is so much fun.

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