Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mommio: First Love

Someone in our house has a huge crush...and it's not the obvious 14 yr old boy or the giggly 10 yr old vampire fanatic.  Nope, it's the curly-headed, trouble-making three year old.  Max is in LOVE with Diego.
It is so sweet watching his eyes light up as he talks on, and on, and on, and on about Diego to anyone who will listen.  Diego has suddenly become his best friend- he takes him everywhere (he is invisible to us), he sleeps with him at night, he makes him wear socks only, "no shoes in bed", he goes on a boat with Diego and they don't even have to wear life jackets and I have heard that Max taught Diego to be a big boy and poop on the potty.  It's all very cute, so when Max told us we need to have a birthday party for Diego of course his indulgent mom and Nana jumped right in and said YES!  Marney helped Max and Jack decorate for the party with some giant Diego coloring sheets that Nana found.
Nana helped Kiki and the little boys to bake and decorate and brownie birthday cake for Diego.
And Friday afternoon we sang happy birthday to Diego, celebrated and ate cake.
One interesting side note- when it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Diego, Max got really mad at me and said we were supposed to be singing to HIM, not to Diego.  Hmmm.  Now I am wondering if the entire first love thing was a big plan he had so that we would throw Max a birthday party!


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