Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daddio: Blog of the Day 7/28/10

For today's blog of the day, I want you to read the following poem that Marney found, called "Monkey in the Middle" by Sawyer Sewell.  Read it and then read the questions after the poem to figure out what you need to blog about.

Monkey In the Middle: by Sawyer Sewell

There once was a monkey in a city’s zoo,
who dreamed of the outside sun.
He did like hitting kids with poo,
but he felt that that’s been done.

So he climbed out in the middle of night,
and explored through the cities streets.
He stopped when it was turning light
And felt he wanted to eat.

That poor monkey needed cash
to afford his exotic meals.
But his stomach led him to the trash,
where he ate a cube of butter and apple peels.

If he wanted to eat, he needed a job,
to pay for the food on his tummy.
So he asked many snobs,
but each time he left without money.

He tried to be an actor,
but found out he couldn't sing or cry.
He had the smarts to be a politician,
but found out he couldn't lie.

None one wanted his application.
No one gave him a chance.
Some were scared because he was from another nation.
Other because he didn’t own pants.

He only found one job,
that paid food and shelter instead of wages.
All he was asked to do,
was to sit inside steel cages,
and dream of the outside sun.

For today's blog, I want you to write about what the poem meant to you and what message you thought the author was trying to make in this poem.  Ask yourself these questions first: The monkey leaves the zoo for a better life, but how did it turn our for him?  Why did he want to leave the zoo in the first place?  Was the monkey happy or sad at the end of the poem?


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