Friday, July 16, 2010

Mason: Blog Of The Day

1. Road- a little path in the woods, winding, lots of leaves
2. Coin- 1970's date, very old, rusty
3. Key- chainlock key, small, blue
4. Body of water- clear lake, deep, round, big
5. Fence- locked with a chain, big, wooden, can't see through it 

My road in my dreams is winding because there are different directions you can go in life. I think the coin I find in my dream represents wealth and that I will be wealthy. The reason the coin is old and rusty is because I was very old when I found it. The key I found in my dream represents how to git over an obstacle I find at the end of my life. The lake represents happiness in my life. The fence represents the end in my life. I don't know what is on the other side of it.


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