Friday, July 23, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The Mayans lived in Central America and they built pyramids. They built pyramids because they were the biggest buildings they could have. They used them as royal tombs and as some temples. They also played a cool sport called Pok- a- tok. They played it because it reminded them about the wars they went to. To play Pok- a- tok they wore protective pads on their arms, legs and chest. Also they used a ball the size of a basketball. The game was like basketball. Their goal was to just throw the ball into a stone hoop while the other team members try to stop him. They also have a leader who is sometimes also a priest. He dresses up in this cool red and yellow costume. He has to paint his skin yellow and red too.
The Mayans are also very good at lots of stuff. They are very smart. They are awesome scientists, they are good at working with medicine and astronomy. The Mayans are important to us today because they invented a lot of things that we use and do today. They invented calenders, writing and basketball. They might have invented even more than all of that.


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