Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mommio: Math

Today in homeschool...Marney and Gabe both moved up to the next level in Math!  It is amazing how quickly all of the kids breeze through math when they are homeschooling.  They are learning all the same things, but without all the re-learning that goes on at the beginning of the year in a classroom they are able to progress much faster.  Marney- who is 7 right now-  has been doing Saxon Math 3 (3rd grade) and today she started Math 5/4 (4th grade).
 She was very excited because this is the first level that gets rid of the "teacher" (me) and allows the student to teach themselves by reading the lesson and doing practice work.  She is awesome at independent work and this will be really easy for her.  She did great on the first lesson!
Gabe- who is 8 right now- was using the Saxon 5/4 that Marney is now doing and today he moved onto Teaching Textbooks Math 5 (5th grade).  

This means he now does all his math on the computer.  The only thing I do is look at his score when he is finished with each lesson.  He is more than ready for this level, in fact, I think the first 20 lessons or so will be too easy for him but it will be a nice way for him to learn how to use a new type of math program.  Gabe is SO excited about this that he actually asked to do a second math lesson today in his free time.  He just finished it and got 100% and told me he is going to do the next lesson. Amazing!



Good work Mommio, Gabe and Marney.

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