Friday, July 23, 2010

Connor: Doom Chapter 2

Hector came toward me thrusting his sword in the air menacingly.  "You kill me but now me kill you.", Hector said, his mouth forming a hideous evil grin.  As soon as he tried to strike another hit I jumped away.  Eventually the raft stopped moving. Suddenly, as I was about to step ashore I looked at the river "I remember this place I have been here before" I said thinking aloud. Then the short man replied "Yeah, Yeah I know it appeared in one of your dreams. I've heard it all before, man."  I wanted to call him an idiot, but I couldn't find the nerves to do so.  "Sir you don't understand. I mean I really was here before, like when I was young." The reply came, "Now that you mention it, I do remember a water nymph by the name of Thetis dipping her son in the river and I asked her son's name. Her reply was 'Achilles.'  That is all I remember, end of story."  I suddenly remembered my name, "I am Achilles. Greek war hero. I killed Hector."  Suddenly I felt the eyes of the dead looking at me, like you're the Achilles.  I grabbed the arrow from my ankle, it hurt and I nearly fainted.  Suddenly the short guy ran over and bandaged my ankle.  "My weak spot, did my mother dip me into the Styx by the ankle?" I asked as I stood up clutching the arrow in my hand. Suddenly, the short guy said "Yes Achilles, you are right."  I got up and walked toward the big castle in the distance. On my trip through the underworld I didn't see anything in my life as far away as that castle.  I had a feeling that I had gained a few friends by saying my name and yet I have also gained more enemies than just Hector. No doubt they were most likely Trojans rather than Greeks.  I didn't quite think I would ever make it out of the underworld known as Hades.  I was sure I was one hundred percent doomed and this place was getting creepier by the moment.


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