Monday, July 5, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

I would not like to be able to do the same thing these jellyfish do.  I would hate to have an eternity of math homework and other schoolwork to do constantly.  Although on the other hand I could spend my life playing video games.  It just defies the laws of nature to be able to revert back to childhood.  The ability sounds more like a curse one of the Greek gods would put you under.  I say being mortal is a small price to pay for escaping an eternity of schoolwork.  Sure being able to live through natural disasters maybe useful, but so would being alive since the start of time.  I also fear that with the whole human race able to use this ability whenever they feel like it the earth would quickly become over populated.



Good thinking Connor....I feel the same way but not because of Math Homework. I just think being a child is something I only want to do once.

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