Friday, July 30, 2010

Connor: Doom Chapter 3

I stood there looking ahead to see what lie within my path.  I saw only one thing in my way, a gate with a gigantic dog blocking it.  As I stood looking at the great beast the man from the raft said "Cerberus, don't attack anyone at all and the master will give you steak."  Cerberus's eyes lit up. I'm pretty sure he was thinking "Steak. I love steak. It is better with blood"  Oh man, Cerberus was happy so many men and women were going to his master's domain.  I walked up to Cerberus and the dog licked my face as though it had seen me before.  I walked up to him and scratched him behind the ears with my sword, which surprisingly didn't harm it.  I walked through the gate saying farewell to my new canine friend, or fiend, which ever you think suits the lovable creature.  Suddenly I found myself looking around this land. So this was the realm of Hades.  I thought of eating one of the fruits sacred to Hades, but found quickly that my hand phased through it.  I walked up to a palace of dark limestone and found two big golden thrones and in one was Hades himself.  I looked at him. He was gray with flaming hair and he looked thrilled to see another dead man in his humble home, as he called it.  I told him that I was a Greek by the name of Achilles.  The lord of the dead glared at me, looking like he wanted to torture me.  He asked me if I thought what I had done in life was wrong.  I asked "Why sir, what in your realm are you talking about?"  As it would turn out I knew exactly what he was speaking of.  In life I had driven my chariot in a circle dragging Hector's maimed body behind me.  "For this" said his lordship "I torture you to the same fate as his body, Hector ready my chariot and horses."   Before he could get the vehicle ready and tie me to it I ran to the new friend I had just met.  I jumped on Cerberus's back and he defended me from his master.  Finally Hades decided that if I got off his dog's back he wouldn't torture me.  I got down and told Cerberus to stop fighting his master.  Soon I noticed that I had just gained a powerful new enemy, one that made all my other rivals look like weaklings.  I knew I was severely doomed and that Hades would stop at nothing to kill me.



it was funny that it said oh man


Nice story Connor. Are you ever going to be famous? hehe

The Jones Family

Oh sure Ava you're laughing now, but just wait my next 20 chapters will blow your mind. Oh and by the way you should read harry potter sometime. Smell ya later

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