Friday, July 16, 2010

Daddio: 7/16/10 Blog of the Day

Today's blog of the day will teach you the basics of symbolism and how you can write using symbolism.  Symbolism is when an author writes about something in a story that actually represents an idea or something different than what it really is.  In the Robert Frost's "Road Less Traveled" poem you wrote about last week, the "road" in the poem was a literal road, but it also symbolized life.  So the author was trying to make you think about the different paths in life we take and what choices we make in life.

For today's blog, before you write your symbolic story, I want you to first imagine that you're walking down a road and while walking, you'll find certain things.  So for the first part of the post, I want you to write a description for the following things from your "dream":

1: The Road- what does it look like?  Where is it?  What condition is it in?

2: The first thing you find on your walk is a coin.  What does it look like? What is inscribed or printed on it?

3: After continuing your walk you find a key.  Describe the key.  What does it look like it's a key to?

4: Next you come across a body of water.  Describe the body of water.  Is it big or little?  What color?

5: Next you come across a fence.  Describe the fence and describe how you would cross it to continue on the road.

Now that you've literally described the details of these things that were in your dream, now I want you to write a post interpreting the dream.  To "interpret" means to decode or to find a different meaning in something.  So pretend that your walk down this road is actually a symbol of your trip through life.  Walking down the road is symbolic of you getting older and going through life.  So in your dream you found all these different things, but I want you to talk about what hidden meaning was behind you finding these things.  Does the coin represent wealth or fame?  Is the fence some kind of obstacle you had to overcome?  What's the importance of the body of water?


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