Friday, July 30, 2010

Mommio: Art Class

This week in art class we continued our DaVinci study by looking at some sketches of his many inventions and then sketching out some of our own using the same note-taking methods we learned last week.  We looked at these:

Elder especially liked these inventions since so many of them involved weapons!
And we all worked together to guess the inventions in Leonardo's Mystery Machine game.  After our discussion the kids all got to work creating their own inventions.  
Connor invented an electronic arm that can be attached to a person's torso to give the person a third hand.  He also invented a Robotic Trojan War.
Mason invented a helmet that can make your wishes come true.  But, he made sure to include a mood indicator so that if you are unhappy and having bad thoughts the helmet will not make those come true.  Smart boy!
Avery invented a treehouse that looks normal on the outside and is a virtual mansion on the inside.  Elevator and all.
Gabe's invention is a blow party popper.  A combo of the traditional party blower that explodes like a party popper at the end.
 Lily invited a new type of bird feeder that involves a pinecone. 
Marney invented an electric house, a house made completely out of electricity.
Kiki invented a Blue Bunny Dinosaur (which is a toy).
Over the next two weeks the kids are going to build models of their inventions for homework.  It will be really interesting to see what they come up with.  In the next class we will move on to learning how to paint like DaVinci.



Love the art!

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