Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daddio: 5/5/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to learn about the syndrome that Connor has that requires so many surgeries for his legs. It's called McCune Albright Syndrome. You can research it by googling it (click here), reading the National Institute of Health's information page about it (click here), or reading the wikipedia page about it (click here). I want you to read more than one source.  Which means, don't just read the wikipedia page on McCune Albright Syndrome-- read another page that talks about it as well.

After you've learned about McCune Albright Syndrome, post up and answer the following questions:

1) What is McCune Albright Syndrome?

2) How do you get it?

3) What are the symptoms or effects that occur to people that have McCune Albright Syndrome?

4) What are the ways that they treat McCune Albright Syndrome?

I want you to answer these questions based on the research that you do-- not just on what you know about Connor.  Remember that this is a syndrome that affects different people in different ways, and I want you to discuss aspects of the syndrome that Connor doesn't necessarily have.


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