Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day


Yesterday I found out I had powers most people only dream of.  I was up late last night playing Resident Evil when a zombie jumped out of my TV.  I can bring video games to life!  I met a hero today who can fly and has super strength.  He's called The Jock and has chosen me as his sidekick.  He decided that I will be known as The Nerd.  At the time I was fine with it, because it seemed to suit me.  I found out about a major villain in town called Dungeon Master.  Dungeon Master can summon dragons, kobolds, Orcs, werewolves, vampires and just about any other monster you can think of.  I was in my first ever super fight.  I summoned the Resident Evil characters and the Mario brothers, to help with the fight.  The fight was over in no time.  Well, Diary, that's how today went.


Hey Diary,

It's been a year since I last told you anything.  Today The Jock turned evil.  Now he is The Bully, although his powers are the same.  I joined a brand new hero, Time Man, who has the power to control time however he wants.  I fought against The Bully for the first time today.  By the way I'm the Gamer now.  My powers have improved, now I can transform into video game characters.  During the fight I had turned into Nemesis and launched a rocket at The Bully.  He is now in jail, but I don't think he'll be there too long.  Knowing him, he'll probably escape before July.


Dear Diary,

I was right.  He escaped last night.  We don't know where he is at the moment.  The Bully could be anywhere, even China.  I recently learned how to fly and have been flying all around town.  Time Man and I have been trying to find The Bully, but neither of us can fly very far.  It will probably be a month before you hear from me again.  I'll report back when we catch The Bully.  Signed, The Gamer


Well it took a month and a week, but we locked The Bully up again.  People say the world will end on December twenty first of this year.  I hope they're wrong, but Time Man agrees with them.  This is terrible, because I am supposed to be promoted to super hero on December twenty second.  I fear I may never be a hero, that I will forever be a sidekick.  Is it bad that I am thinking that?  Signed, The Gamer


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