Monday, May 16, 2011

Mommio: Last Day Of Joan's Academy!

Today was the final day at Joan's Academy for our four oldest toes and the school celebrated it by inviting the family to an afternoon of food, programs, displays and fun.  We are all very proud of Connor, Mason, Avery and Gabe and it was exciting to see what they have been doing with their Mondays over the last eight months.
First, Avery and Gabe were both awarded certificates from 4-H for being members of the student leadership group this year.  Avery was the Vice President and Gabe was the Treasurer.

 Connor and Gabe both received participation medals from their chess club.  They didn't come in the top three for the chess tournament but they had lots of fun in this class.

 We watched Avery and Mason do a really cool Kung Fu demonstration.
The science class presented their own Rube Goldberg device called FrankenPickle, led by their instructor Mr. Maverick.  Unfortunately it didn't go as planned but it was fun to watch and the pickle did glow in the end!
We watched two films that all four kids participated in making from beginning to end in their film class this year.  One was about killer stuffed animals (Avery, Gabe and Mason worked on this one) and Connor's group did a funny one about how to talk to girls.  When we figure out how to format them to post online we'll share those too.
 Avery's choir class did a great is their entire performance in pieces.
On display we also saw artwork from Mason and Gabe.

 The Lewis and Clark class that Avery,Gabe and Mason were in had a table set up with the things they had studied this year and the kids all made leather covered journals to bring home.

 And Gabe's English class displayed the comics they created this year based on books they read.  Gabe's was about The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.  Here's a sample of his comic:
 Finally the kids ended it with a Market Day where the kids made and sold their own products to each other.  This was probably the kids favorite part of the day.  Mason made/sold M&M Peanut Butter Cookies, Avery made/sold really pretty rock necklaces and Gabe made/sold the very popular Slime. 
 They all came home exhausted from a fun day with a little extra cash in their pockets. 
It was a great afternoon!


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