Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

The Alien War
By Kiki
Once there was a little boy named Jack.  He was so happy that he just turned three.  So now he thinks he's so old he can even drive.  But he does not need to drive because he can fly.  And when he is flying he also gets some acorns when he flies in trees.  So when he went to the store he went to the vegetable aisle and he saw an outfit with a vegetable on it.  So when he bought it he went home and he put it on and then he wrote down his name on his outfit and it said "Jack Vegetable".  When he did all of that he was so excited that he was three so when he was at the store he remembered that he had to go to the park to go and stop an alien.  But he forgot when he went home.  Then the next day he remembered that there was an alien that he had to stop.  So he got his outfit on, the Jack Vegetable outfit, and went to the park to stop the alien. But there was not just one alien, it was a whole group of aliens so then he decided to call some of his friends.  Which was Kiki and Max.  When they got to the park they didn't have outfits on, they had swimsuits on.  So they had to go have a whole big war in swimsuits.  They killed all the aliens and Jack was the hero because he killed all of them.  Kiki and Max were just sitting down on the park bench eating a bunch of chocolate.
The End


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