Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day


Well... how do I say this... I am a.... SUPER HERO!  Well a sidekick. I work with the Terminator! I'm not so sure if he's a good person but he seems cool! I don't even have to wear a stupid costume! He told me to wear a leather jacket. But as a girl I thought it was kinda stupid and all. Anyways, somhow somehow he gave me cool robot super powers or something. I can teleport, shoot lazers out of my hands, and fart flames! I know that one is kinda gross, but it is still funny! :) Last night I killed a rabid cat. It almost bit me so he told me to stab it with a nife knife. Anyways, I got to go now. It's time for my "4:00 meeting".
Later! :D


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