Friday, May 6, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Day Time Stopped
By Connor M. Jones

One hot Summer day, in New York five nuns had headed toward a clothing shop.  They stood there waiting for the shop to open, for it was almost nine o'clock on a Tuesday.  Suddenly time started to stop and the five nuns froze in place, eternally waiting for nine o'clock Tuesday morning to come.  Time had frozen all over the world.  Only some people were exempt from the effects of the sudden stop, but shops still didn't open for anyone.  I was one of those unaffected by the sudden freeze in time.  I walked down the blocks and saw people glaring at the stores and shops as if they were mannequins.  Eventually I saw a man with a big white beard and he said "Time has been frozen we must report to Asgard!"  I looked at the man and said in a rude tone "Don't you dare tell me what to do, OLD MAN!"  The old man left me alone and I traveled further away from the town.  I eventually came across a man and rabbit having tea.  The man asked "What day is it, my good man?" as he pulled out a pocket watch.  I said "I don't really care.  Time stopped and it doesn't matter what day it is!"  After that I walked away.  I ran my fingers through my black hair and looked in a window to see my reflection.  I was still as perfect as always, my green cloak was perfect with the green cape.  I turned and saw my stepbrother, his blond hair shone like lightning.  He said "Brother why are you here of all places?  Return home this instant or father will have your head!"  There was much panic in his voice as well as his face, I said "I am not returning to that dump.  Father will never find me.  Anyway how is it being a carpenter?  You seem to enjoy carrying that hammer everywhere you go."  He responded with "I like being a carpenter.  Let's get back to the topic at hand, I am going to tell father where you are."  I refused to go home, I liked my true home more.  I walked away into the forest where my stepfather and stepmother wouldn't find me.  My red eyes were hurting from staring at the sun and my conscience was telling me to play a practical joke, one that will end the world.  I decided to have a little fun by turning myself into a dragon and going to free my kids.  First I had to free Hel The ruler of the underworld.  This made sure that the dead would have nowhere to go.  Next I freed Fenrir who had been chained up unable to escape until the world's end.  Finally I had to free The World Serpent who held Midgard in place while holding his tail.  All that complete I reflected on the pranks I previously pulled, including the prank of freezing time.  Now the mortals wouldn't be able to escape my wrath.  My stepbrother came to me and said "Loki, you vile, ugly, accursed jotun, how dare you end the world!?"  I replied "Shut Up, Thor and watch as I enjoy the last hour that we gods have left.  Watch as we all die.  Ragnarok has come and now we shall all die!"


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