Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

I would take my walker because I need it.  I need the walker in order to walk.  With out the walker I wouldn't be able to exit the house on my own.  I find it important that I could escape the house in the case of a fire.  The walker is a definite necessity.  So I would in fact take the walker just so I could leave the house.

My phoenix wright ace attorney manga because it is funny.  I think I would need something funny to entertain myself.  I love the books and wouldn't want them to burn.  The books are very special to me because Nana bought them.  I also would save the books because I love reading.  It would be best for me to save the Phoenix Wright books. 

Lastly, I would take my history book because I love history.  I would rescue my history books so that I could do schoolwork or at least read history non stop.  I can't just avoid school work because Mommio and Daddio would have to buy new school stuff for us.  I would prefer that I keep my history book so that I have something to compare the fire to, like the big fire in California, in the eighteen hundreds.  Although I would probably take the book just to learn more about World War II.


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