Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daddio: 5/11/11 Blog of the Day

What is important to you?  In today's post, we're going to find out.  For today's blog post, I want you to talk about the three things you would rescue from our house if it was on fire.  In other words, if you woke up and realized the house was going to burn up and you could only save three things, what would they be and why?  The three things have to be things-- not people or pets (just assume that all the people and pets are going to get out safely).  You also have to choose things you can carry by yourself and take quickly-- so you can't choose the couch (because it's too big) or the ceiling fan (because you wouldn't have time to take it apart).

List all three things you would take, and then for each one, explain: (1) why you picked the things you picked; and (2) why those things are important to you.


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