Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The Scientist Jack
By Avery
One day there was a boy named Jack who lived in a science lab with his father Greg. Greg was a scientist. Later Greg died from drinking water with a chemical in it. Later Jack took over the lab and started creating things. He made unicorns by taking the horns of of narwhals and using surgery to put the on horses. He created the first robot with actual emotions. It could cry, love, be happy, be mad and eat anything! It runs on guinea pigs. In the stomach it has hamsters and guinea pig on those spinning things. He also created a teleporting ray gun. If you shoot anything it will teleport 100 feet away from you. He has been working on making dogs talk. One day his wife, who is also his assistant at the lab, came in and told him what everyone in the U.S has asked him to try to create. It was a cure for cancer. He worked a whole year looking and researching for an answer. Then he spent a whole year without sleeping, trying to make the cure. Suddenly he got a rabbit with skin cancer. He tested it on the rabbit to see if it worked. He waited a week to see how the rabbit was doing. After a week he tested the rabbit to see if it's cancer was completely gone. And it was! He finally created the cure for cancer! He gave it to hospitals and emergency centers. He practically saved the world. The next thing he had to do to save the world was to create the anti-virus!


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