Friday, May 27, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

Monkey Almost Got Lost
By Marney 
One day I was sitting in a tree and I climbed down to go and play.  So I went and sat in the tall, green grass. At that point someone said "Hi! I am your new owner." The person had blonde hair and was super tall.  She grabbed me and I wanted to get away but she just kept on walking.  I was so sacred that I tried to run away but I could not.  I was so sad that I could not see my mom and that mad me mad. So I jumped out of her hand and I landed on the ground and ran back. When I was running I bumped in to a camera and I pressed a button that was circle shaped and there was a flash.  I tried breaking the camera because the flash scared me.  It never would break so another person grabbed the camera and took it away.


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