Friday, May 27, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Turner

This week in art class we studied the English painter Joseph M.W. Turner (1775-1851).
Turner was a very well known painter during the Romanitc Period who worked in watercolors and oils painting landscapes and marine scenes. He is most well know for his use of shades of color to portray the sky at different times of the day and during different types of weather.  He had a special interest in painting sunsets everywhere he traveled.  We looked at two of his famous paintings and compared them by giving a weather report on what time of day and what the weather must have been like when he sketched these.
Snowstorm, 1842

  The Fighting Temeraire, Tugged to her Last Berth to be Broken Up, 1838
The art project for this class involved making a background with shades of colors to mimic what Turner did with his skies.  First the kids picked colors of tissue paper, cut them in strips and placed them on watercolor paper to create their desired background.

 Then they took the strips off  and painted the paper with a mixture of glue and water.
 Next they applied the tissue paper strips to the sticky paper.
 The last step for the background was to paint over the top of the tissue paper with the diluted 
glue to give it a glossy look.
Here's what the completed backgrounds looked liked.
We had to wait overnight for these to dry before the kids could complete their art.  The finishing step was to use oil pastels to draw a pictures over their backgrounds.

 Here's how they turned out.  The colors are really beautiful!


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