Friday, May 27, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Mystical Camera
By: Connor M Jones

One day I was roaming around my home in the Grimm lands.  Suddenly, I spotted a strange artifact from the real world.  The item was a camera, a machine that humans use to take pictures and videos, which is very rare in this world.  I tested the camera pressing the power button and then taking a picture of a passing monster.  The picture showed Bigfoot terribly, you wouldn't be able to tell it was him, rather you would think it was just an ape.  I picked up the camera and took it with me, in order to sell it to the highest bidding monster, for, real world items fetch a high price here.  Before I so much as left, a group of three or four human children came near.  Knowing that children don't take kindly to thieves, I hid in a little hole in the tree.  The humans didn't spot me and went off toward the left searching for the camera.  With that done, I headed toward the shops in the biggest city in the lands.  I set up shop with the items I'd found, human children that I had hostage and was willing to sell as food to the highest bidder, an item of power that will grant anyone the ability of super strength, and the camera that I used to take a photo, for the high price of nine trillion bananas.  Bananas are the only currency I accept, seeing as I am a monkey,  because nothing is worth more than bananas to me.  Luckily the monsters started bidding for the camera at nine trillion and then it exceeded the known numbers and went up to nine trillion and as many bananas as it would take to fill Jupiter's center, the planet not the god, I accepted the bid and handed the camera over to the monsters that still appeared in the real world.  You see Bigfoot, Nessie, and El Chupacabra had each chipped in every banana that they had.  I got a report the following century that they had taken multiple bad pictures of themselves and gave each one to a human.  The humans they gave the pictures to are now blamed for the "hoax" as the humans call it.  Now I live in peace and quite with more than enough bananas to keep me alive for trillions of years.  The End 


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