Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Connor: The Strange Murder

It was a dark night.  I was sitting alone in my office with a class of coffee waiting for a case to solve.  Suddenly a beautiful blond haired, blue eyed girl walked in.  She looked distraught and, as it would turn out, truly was.  Someone had been murdered.  The cops couldn't get the time of death or the type of murder weapon that had been used.  The only obvious hint was that the victim had a hole in her chest.  A blatant stab wound on the corpse, with no weapon in plain sight, the typical case that people bring to my office.  I looked at what little evidence I had to work with.  The victim was at the library when he was killed.  The girl said she didn't know him, but had found the body.  Seeing as she looked frightened, which is only natural after finding a corpse in a library, I guessed she was telling the truth.   She said her name was Zoe, which I thought to be a beautiful name, and that she worked at the King's Land library.  I promised I would find the culprit if it was the last thing I did.  I went right to the crime scene and talked to police chief Mason.  Mason said that he found a small amount of evidence, a note with the letter l capitalized as if the first letter of the sender's name.  I looked for clues for a bit and then Mason said "It might be..."  Before he finished the sentence he was dead, a mace stuck in his corpse,  I knew I would have to look for more clues.  I investigated the crime scene for a long time and figured out that it must have been someone on the police force.  I thought with my great powers of deduction "The mace, the fact that the culprit knew where I was going, and the note with the capitalized l. It all added up in a gruesome way.  An officer of the law would be able to keep a tab on any conversation.  The medieval weapon used to slaughter the chief of police was a hint.  Officer Lance had  caused the murder for no reason.  Then it made sense to me there was a motive to kill, the victim was a lawyer who had protected a murder suspect.  I returned to the police station and arrested Lance for his crime.  Afterward I went back to my office and told Zoe who the murderer was.  The End



Cool story, Connor. Very detective noir.

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