Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Vermeer

We continued our study of Vermeer in art class today by reading more of Chasing Vermeer - which the kids are really enjoying- and then we made collagraph prints inspired by some of the patterns we saw in the Vermeer paintings.  A collagraph print is a simple print made with found items attached to a hard surface so that there is a raised area for the ink to adhere to.  The kids used simple foam craft shapes today to make patterns on hard cardboard.  First they laid out their patterns.

 Next they glued them to their boards.
 When they were dry we prepared the printmaking area by taping waxed paper to the table, putting a spoonful of printing ink in the center and using a brayer to roll the ink in a rectangle.
 Then the kids chose a piece of colored construction paper, placed it on top of their pattern and rolled over the paper with their inked brayer.

 This takes a little practice to get the right amount of ink (just a little) as well as the right amount of pressure when rolling (almost none), so we had a lot of tries at this one!  Here are their patterns and a sample
print they each made.


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