Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mommio & Kiki: Hotel Night!

Today is Kiki's special night out for her 7th birthday.  She chose to go to the LaQuinta for the night with Mommio.  Before we arrived at the hotel we had some shopping to do!  Kiki got to pick out her birthday present...shhh..can't tell you what it is.  We also bought every snack she every wanted to eat tonight.  When we finally got to the hotel the first thing we did was go swimming.  Here's a shot of Kiki in the pool.
She was swimming so great and because there were no brothers and sisters there to scare her she was super brave and jumped off the rocks all by herself!
Next we hit the hot tub- which we loved.
Then it was back to the room for some snacks, games, movies and a fun night together.  Next up- she's going to paint my nails bright yellow!



It looks awesome. We miss you girls so very much, though. Don't eat too much and get sick to your stomachs!

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