Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Historic End
By  Connor M. Jones
In the year 3400 Jack awakens from a frozen slumber.  He became a scientist before his death 2110 and worked on a high tech time machine.  The time machine at the time of invention was just a plan, a simple blue print.  Although in the futuristic time 3110 a measly thousand years after his death, the time machine was built completely.  Later in 3400 the time machine was perfected, yet all credit went to Jack.  He was the only member of the group of scientists to request that his body be frozen until people had the science to cease death.  Jack wandered around the lab for a while and stared at the new technology when suddenly he met a man named Robbert Munch.  Robbert said "Welcome to our city.  It was founded two hundred years ago by my great grandfather.  As to the time machine in front of you, I'm sure you remember the design."    Jack walked up to the time machine and studied it.  Robbert said "We tried to get the machine to work with your time's outdated power sources.  Sadly none of the power sources got it to work."   Finally Jack realized that it wouldn't work because he had forgotten to include the main power source in the instructions.  He turned toward Robbert and said "Well of course it isn't running, it gets power from lightning.  If the lightning hits the top perfectly I'll be able to travel time."  Robbert replied "Great.  So, you mean to say that the power source is natural not artificial.  To think we had tried plugging it into the electrical outlet years ago!"  Finally Jack looked at the building he thought was a museum, and asked what it contained.  Robbert replied "It has the greatest inventions from all of time.  It also has the greatest works of art and exhibits on extinct animals, like sharks.  By that I mean we found some of your time's museums and took the artifacts."  Jack was amazed and thus asked "How many items do you have from ancient countries?"  Robbert replied "About twenty.  That is why we need you to go back in time.  You have to collect everything that can be counted as an artifact."       .Jack said " You've got it, I'll be going right now.  See you in the future or past, I don't really remember.  I 'm out of here."  as he climbed into the time machine.  Robbert said "If you come across aliens they don't mean any harm.  Jack said "Okay." and Robbert added "The aliens have time traveling abilities to so don't make them mad.  You will no doubt find a benevolent Atlantian who would gladly help you and convince the ancients to give you certain artifacts."    Jack said "I promise I will not annoy any aliens at all.  If anything I will help them."  With that Jack traveled to ancient Egypt.  There he met the great kings: Tut, Ramses, and Ramses the second.  He also met the queens: Cleopatra, Nefertiti and the rest.  There were also Atlantians there helping build the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.  Suddenly the Atlantians asked if they could give Jack a ride to the rest of the countries and time periods he needed to visit. Jack said yes and went aboard their ship.  Jack spent all of time, up until the point where he'd give the artifacts to Robbert, traveling with the Atlantians and they, in turn, made him a god in the eyes of mortal men.  The End 


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