Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Nostradamus was an incredibly famous psychic or seer, astrologer and possibly phony, in all of history.  He lived during the fifteen hundreds and worked to predict the future of kings, queens, and other royalty like people.  One of his most famous predictions is and I quote "The year 1999 seven months from the sky will come the great king of terror.  Before and after Mars reigns by good luck."  Depending on how one views this quatrain, which rhymes in French,  you might find that it can predict millions of events that have happened or have not.  In a way this could be a fulfilled prophecy or it could just be something that will never be true.  Remember this was before the Gregorian calender, so he must be referring to something in another month.  July wasn't the seventh month in his time, thus he isn't referring to July 1999.  Note he never says what day or week, whether it be the middle or end or even start of the month.  Nostradamus should have been able to say the day, week and even the exact month instead of being so unclear about it all.  Another famous quatrain is interpreted to be about Adolf Hitler although hister can mean part of France, Belgium and the Netherlands in modern times.  It can also refer to Hitlers home a place near the Danube river and east of the Rhine river.  Personally I think Nostradamus was not a psychic, but rather used the Delphi oracle's ancient prophecies knowing that history repeats itself.  The oracles had in fact made multiple mistakes in their prophecies and were often experiencing a drugged like state.  The oracles were also forced to answer the way the government wanted multiple times.  Nostradamus and the oracles were both phonies in my opinion.  Neither could see the future nor give precise dates, despite the fact that they were working with their respective calenders.  Both groups were sucking up to the government leaders by predicting great things and horrible things.  Nostradamus will be right a few times depending on how you read the quatrains, meaning how one understands them.


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